The ATOR Protocol

Existing anonymization networks are stagnant and difficult to build on. ATOR aims to be at the confluence of DeFi, DePin and anonymity in building a scalable, incentivized, fast routing network that is truly resilient enough for everyone to use.

The Protocol

The ATOR Incentivization Protocol is a crucial part of our anonymizing network. The Protocol is built to recognize the useful contribution of relay operators to our decentralized network, through the distribution of ATOR tokens. Operators register their relay with their ETH address privately and will receive recognition seamlessly without additional intervention.

Relay operators will then be able to see their measured contribution to the network as decentralized metrics published to Arweave, and will receive ATOR recognition rewards accordingly. ATOR is distributed on Arweave, backed by vaulted tokens on the Ethereum blockchain, and users can then choose to withdraw to their ETH wallet.


We have an allocated 'base-pool' of ATOR tokens that forms a perpetual baseline for all relay rewards. 10% of ATOR supply currently sits in this pool, that emits on an epoch basis indefinitely. The incentives are carefully balanced by our tokenomics paper which limit the total outflow of tokens to relays, creating a self-balancing equilibrium where the number of active relays scales up to match the value of rewards.

Read more about our Tokenomics in our paper

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